Winter has settled into mother Earth. She has drawn her energy deep within once again. There is less sunlight for the leaves to collect or to nourish plants. No serenading songbirds or pollen for the bees. The flowers, trees and foliage of the forests are gone. Vibrant colors have disappeared and the days are shorter. All of the sunlight and energy that was received during the warm months is now distilling into a more potent form below the surface of the Earth. It is this potent serum, or sweetness that feeds nature through the cold winter months providing a source of nutrients for fauna and foliage until the Earth warms again.
In springtime this sweetness will rise up inside the plants and together with the sun will bloom a new season.
So we ask in this call, What is your syrup? What is the sweetness that gets you through winter? Where does your power come from?
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